Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Definiteness of Purpose

Before anyone can affectively pursue any goal, that person must be specific about what they want and why.  In the book, "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill spends a significant amount of time expressing the simple, but often overlooked truth that we must be definite about what we are pursuing, in order to have a clear picture in a mind.  The imagination needs a clear picture, among other things, to work with, in order to identify the resources all around us that will manifest that vision (clear mental picture).  If you have'nt invested the time in concentrating on the the specifics of your pursuits as well as determining the "Why" in your life that is motivating you to strive toward your goal, take the time each day, from this point forward, to clarify your goal and you "Why".  Watch and see how much closer you find yourself to you attaining your goals.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Order My Steps

It's so important to understand that it is in our giving to others, that we receive what we need as well.  In our pursuits, whether it be financial, relational or spiritual, we are built up in our understanding and ultimate benefit, by striving to bring value to the lives of other.  It is in being of service that we are actually branding ourselves and our businesses.  It is in building rapport and relationship in this way that our brands garner trust and the impression of reliability. This reliability within it's targeted market produces dedication and fidelity to our products, within the market.  Learn to be a servant and watch your business and personal life experience growth.