Sunday, July 14, 2013

On The George Zimmerman Trial Verdict: Not Guilty???

Tonight I have gone back and forth between several emotions. One moment I'm sad. The next minute I am angry. The jury in the Zimmerman Trial sent a clear message tonight. As far as I am concerned the message was two-fold. #1- It's still open season on the young black seed. #2 The life of a person of color does not hold as much value. I reject that message.

I honestly see this moment as our generation's "Emmit Till" moment. Emmit Till's murder in 1955 is often cited as being a critical Tipping Point in mobilizing the Civil Rights Movement. This has to be a wake up call and a call to action. Just last month, the Supreme Court invalidated a key provision under the Voting Rights Act that will make it even easier to restrict the votes of minorities.

As our thoughts and prayers are with the Martin Family, I can not help but hope and pray that we do not let this moment just pass us by. I hope that we do not return to business as usual on Monday Morning. I hope we each search for all means available to get active and defend our liberties. We owe it to the generation coming up after us as well as the generation that fought to secure the rights that are often taken for granted...until days like this.

“The Eyes of the Future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time.” ― Terry Tempest Williams

Monday, February 11, 2013

Peace of Mind

In Herbert J. Hall, M.D.'s book, entitled "The Untroubled Mind", he makes the argument that in order for humans to find true peace of mind, they must be focused more on the development and integrity of their character than what they have.  He also make the case that when a person is pursuing a purpose, which they believe to be theirs, then they will experience the untroubled mind as well as fulfillment.

In my own life, I have experienced these points to be true for me.  When I have found myself hung up on the minutia of life, rather than the big picture of what my ultimate objectives are, that's when I have found it most difficult and stressful.  When I am focused on my personal development and entrepreneurial pursuits, for the sake of fulfillment of my God-given purpose, it is then that I experience a peace beyond understanding.  Hall also writes of the importance of constantly moving forward to the next challenge rather than regretting past failures.  It is in this mindset that I believe, a person opens themselves to true accountability.  Being truly responsible for ones' self, requires a willingness to leave the past behind, with the purpose of having learned from it.  The critical position must be an emphasis on where one is now and where one is going.  With proper character and purpose people are able to face the future with courage and determination, and experience what Herbert J. Hall M.D. called "The Untroubled Mind".

Peace and Blessings!